Brain Aneurysm Specialist

RIA Neurovascular
Minimally Invasive Neurosurgery & Endovascular Neurosurgical Radiologists located in Englewood near Denver, Colorado
According to the Brain Aneurysm Foundation, as many as 6.5 million Americans are living with an unruptured brain aneurysm, and around 30,000 will suffer a rupture each year. The specialists at RIA Neurovascular in Denver, Colorado, offer thorough diagnostic and treatment services for brain aneurysms. If you or a loved one needs these advanced services, call the office to schedule an appointment.
Brain Aneurysm Q & A
What is a brain aneurysm?
A brain aneurysm is a bulging blood vessel within your brain. Diagnostic imaging often shows a brain aneurysm with an appearance similar to a berry dangling off a stem.
Most aneurysms don’t rupture, and there may be no need for treatment. In many cases, an aneurysm is detected during diagnostic efforts for another medical condition.
In some cases, however, an aneurysm will rupture, which is a life-threatening event that requires immediate medical attention.
What are some signs of a ruptured aneurysm?
Knowing what to look for helps you determine when to seek emergency medical care for yourself or others. Some of the symptoms of a ruptured aneurysm include:
- Sudden, severe head pain
- Stiff neck
- Confusion
- Blurred or double vision
- Nausea and vomiting
- Sensitivity to light
- Seizure
- Drooping eyelid
- Loss of consciousness
These symptoms should prompt an immediate call to 911 for emergency services.
How is a brain aneurysm diagnosed?
Several tools can help diagnose a brain aneurysm. Computerized tomography, or a CT scan, can look for signs of bleeding in the brain. Magnetic resonance imaging, or MRI, can provide imaging of the arteries in your brain.
RIA Neurovascular also offers cerebral angiography, a diagnostic tool that creates 3D imaging of your brain using specialized computer software. It’s possible to combine cerebral angiography with CT scans or MRI to create a clear and accurate image of the blood flow in and around your brain.
What are some treatment options for a brain aneurysm?
Your team at RIA Neurovascular offers multiple treatments for a brain aneurysm. Your treatment path depends on whether your aneurysm has ruptured, is at risk of rupturing, as well as other factors.
Flow diversion is one approach and works by implanting a device inside your blood vessel to alter the flow of blood. The Pipeline™ Embolization Device is one example. This treatment works by diverting blood to avoid increasing pressure on an unruptured aneurysm.
Another option is called endovascular coiling. This treatment uses a catheter to position a soft platinum wire into the aneurysm, where it coils up and creates a sealing effect that relieves pressure on an unruptured aneurysm.
Stenting is another approach. A stent is a medical device that is placed within a blood vessel to provide structural support to the vessel walls, improving blood flow and preventing blockages and ruptures.
Ruptured aneurysms are often treated via drug therapy. There are many options to choose from, some of which address seizures and others that treat pain, expand blood vessels, and prevent calcium buildup on vessel walls.
To explore these and other diagnostic and treatment options, call or schedule an appointment online today.
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